Monday, December 7, 2015

Rise of Misery

If you haven’t read the book or seen the movie, basically, there’s a guy named Paul Sheldon – a suspense writer known for his character Misery Chaistan in his romantic series. A big time author like him just finished a novel irrelevant to his series, making him drink again and drive to LA instead of his usual flight. Unfortunately, things took a turn for the worst. A snowstorm held him up, making him tumble off a cliff to experience a horrible car accident. Along comes Anne Wilkes (Kathy Bates in the movie), a former nurse who happens to be a big fan of his work. She saves him from the accident and the freezing weather and brings him into her home. Sounds like he’s got it good, right? Paul thought so too when he woke up, but after having some discussions with his biggest fan, it turns out you can’t trust Anne Wilkes. She basically holds him hostage to continue the series that she fell in love with, the Misery that she adored. While doing so, she tries to bring him back to health, but with his constant urge to get away, she had to do whatever she could in her power to keep him there and continue to write her stories, even if it meant putting him in more pain than he already was.

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