Monday, December 7, 2015


According to, about 27 million Americans used illicit drugs, and about 0.6%, or 1.5 million Americans have used cocaine. (More statistics found here at Knowing this, Stephen King isn’t alone, but being an addict blinds you from everything important in your life and just pulls your effort and focus on the drug your using. Stephen King fell into these statistics because it’s extremely difficult to recover from a drug such as cocaine which is why the novel Misery is so intriguing. We as a suspense audience have been through scary clowns and bloody prom queens, but this...this is real life. The book is all just a huge metaphor: The author in the story being held against his will in severe pain and regret? That’s a representation of Stephen King in a point of his life, and the woman who’s holding him hostage? That’s the drug that kept him from the world. The Rolling Stone magazine interviewed him Halloween of last year and asked how he managed his secret with his responsibilities of being a father, and he replied, “I don’t remember.” This reflects how life changing being an addict is, affecting the people you love the most. In the interview, he admits that
"Misery is a book about cocaine. Anne Wilkes is cocaine. She is my number one fan."
You could read more about the interview here:

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